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There is enough vegetation on the cliff that, with the heavy rain we had this week, it will ooze for at least a day after the rain stops. However, Dreamer faces southeast so it will dry faster than might some of the other Darrington climbs (Silent Running tends to dry quickly, up until the last pitch). The lower portion of the route is pretty much free of moss and lichen and I've found that my shoes stick damn near just as well to wet rock as they do to dry rock -- if it is clean -- but if you add the slightest bit of moss or lichen, it gets slick real fast with even the slightest bit of moisture. If the sun comes out on Friday, it should be more or less OK by Saturday, and if the sun shines on Saturday, the rock will have had several hours of sun on it by the time you got higher up where the route receives less traffic and is dirtier.

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