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Alternate endings/offshoots to the story


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I would like to offer up this thread for those of us who check in every 10 minutes and need more to read. I have already had a couple slapsticky/funny story ideas that I wanted to throw out, but probably won't throw out in the REAL story thread, which will remain sacrosanct. This is just a thread for funny alternate choices/timelines/dare I say flamy material.


Four years had passed, four years of constant reminders. Every glimpse of a rock face, every postcard of a mountain, every carabiner keychain a reminder of that day. Looking in the mirror........I had to wonder if I still had it in me. Sure, accidents happen and people die in the mountains, but it wasn't supposed to happen to me. And it wasn't really my fault. Even my friends have told me that over and over again. But then why does it plague me so. Why does my gear just sit in the corner? My old partners don't even call me anymore. Deep inside I know I have to climb again. That's what Kristi would have wanted...........

........I mean she was the best dog I ever had, why did I think she could lead 5.6??? I mean she had the green camalot in her teeth at the crux and was ready to place it and then we realized our mistake, NO OPPOSABLE THUMB. I am gonna miss her.

No offense to dog lovers everywhere. I could change it to my pet possum, but that detracts from the *cough* 'style' of the post....;P

OK, story mangling is GO!!!!


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