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Nomic Hammers and other mods.....


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I've been adding hammers to Nomics for a couple of seasons now.

We have finally come up with a design I think is better than the factory would have done it. Easy to improve someone else's designs if you don't have to invent the design, so if you can't do it better why bother?








Compared to my first welded version and the newest BD Fusion









The pictures are of a hammer and pick made to mate up in a Nomic head using the Petzl factory hammer and pick. We (coldthistle.com) will be offering this service on your Petzl parts for $65, on new Petzl parts for $150 and as of today our own hammer and pick. We'll offer two versions of pick to fit the Nomic. Either can be had with or without a hammer slot and the slotted picks can be used with a spacer without the hammer. The *Scapel* pick is a radical water ice pick. The "Rock* a mixed pick that will aslo climb water ice just fine. The picks are being manufactured from a an esoteric Japanese die steel that will be more durable than anything produced todate. Both are drilled for the Petzl pick weights. Cost of CT hammer and pick set is for $175.


Wait till you see what we will be offering for BD tools! This is just the tip ofthe iceberg. What we are doing is going to change that entire BD pick/handle dynamic!




Now for the really cool part.


We'll take your useable Quark hammer and any *new* Nomic pick in trade for a set of modified Petzl hammer and new Astro pick. We may also have a limited supply of Cascade picks. Cost for the trade is $65.


Send me your old pick and hammer and the connversion is $55 which includes priority USPS shipping. To modify your extra picks is $25 each. 10 day turn around.


Nomic pick weights are 62grams. The cut down CT hammer is 34grams


So the swing weight change is easy to adjust to even if you are using just one hammer.


We've also come up with some pretty tricky ways to up the strength over what Petzl and others have done when making this mod. Some on the board know that this has ben a 3 plus year project to get parts in hand. It is fun to make this stuff and fun to offer it to other climbers. It is even more fun as a climber to to be able to make it even better than I had hoped! It truly is a Merry Christmas around my place!



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Shortly we'll have a couple of styles of BD picks that will fit any BD tool. And a modified BD end piece for the newest Fusion that will help a bit on pure ice.


I have a set of new Vipers on the way I am really excited about using the new picks in. I think the hybred pick will up the performance of the Viper to Cobra/Quark levels at least in the head/pick angle. No way to make a aluminum shaft into carbon fiber and get that kind of lwt weight and rigid shaft. But our pick may make the Cobra a even better tool for some users. (myself included, which I am really stoked about:)


Link will be up tomorrow hopefully for PayPal purchases of Nomic hammers and the rest as we get them done in volume an available for shipping. It is a realllllllly slow process to get it all done right with decent quality control I'd trust for my own climbing.


Certainly been an education as well to see what people are willing to pay for as opposed to what they want to talk about.


So far I have only been making things I want for my own climbing. It will be even more interesting to see if what i find useful are things anyone else eventually finds useful.

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