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Portland Newbie


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Hi....new to the Portland area. Got into Alpine climbing in the last few years (Rainier, Shasta, Whitney all various routes), but still quite a novice....am interested in building some knowledge on rock to expand my options in the mountains.


thought I'd try and hit a climbing gym to start, over the winter....any other beginners looking for a partner let me know!

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I am writing a climbers guide for Hood and would be interested to hear about your first climbing experiences there. I have about two dozen other contributing authors, all are very experienced and a few are famous. Let me know what you think. Be happy to meet up for a beer and talk, I'm in SW PDX.

Bill Mullee

Mt Hood Climbers Guide LLC

Portland, OR



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I havent climbed in a few years but have recently gotten the itch its been to long.


i climbed decent sport rock in college(nothing crazy i toped out at 5.10b) and have done some ice but have alwasy wanted to do true mountaineering and am looking to get back into the mix.



let me know

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