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More junk thought from Kristol, who (as expected) is now setting himself up as the loyal opposition who will claim later to support anything that works out in the Obama administration, but who will gleefully pounce on any failures.


He repeats the tired sleight-of-hand that equates Iraq with the 'central front in the war on Islamic jihadism' without of course pointing out that it would not have been had we not made it so. This is part of a broader point that the american people have forsaken national security by choosing Obama over McCain. Oooh, scary! Kristol also fails to point out that the main tactic of the 'surge' has been to pay people not to fight--not likely to be a permanent solution. He repeats the lie that the Bush administration prevented another terrorist attack, and should get credit for that, without recognizing that Iraq is nothing other than a slow-motion terrorist attack in which 4000+ american soldiers (and 100s of thousands of Iraqis -- they count too in my book) have died with far less risk to the terrorists. Our gift to them, and now idiots like Kristol try to paint it as a success.


So I suppose Kristol's idea is for the GOP to focus on national security and try to ride that one in the next few elections. God knows they have no credibility on the economy, social justice or the future of the planet. Even on national security they haven't a leg to stand on, as they made the world much more dangerous than it was before, but Kristol sees that as the GOP's best chance to fool everyone again. Good luck asshole.


My sincerest hope is that this election signals the end of ideology as the primary motivator of policy, and a renewed focus on pragmatism. It is the stake in the heart of Reaganism. Lets leave it there.


Here is the article: http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/015/776vaeyh.asp

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Kristol has proven himself to be an utter ass clown time and time again. It's dumbfucks like him who are responsible for the initial idea to invade Iraq. He should have his pea brain removed through his nostrils with a coat hanger.

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