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Anareobic training for Altitude


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Short answer: yes. When you get close to the time to do your high-altitude ascent, try including some interval training 1-2 times a week -- pushing into the 80-95% MHR for short periods of time repeatedly -- this gets the body used to working for short stints with less oxygen, so it can handle that type of stress when you're on the mountain. Granted, most of your cardio training should be focused on maximum endurance and leg strength -- but since the air is considerably thinner above 14K, the body has to work much harder to pump the limited oxygen to the working muscles -- if you've trained anaerobic, your body (and mind) will be better adapted to handle it.

By "intervals" I mean something like the following: once thoroughly warmed up, try 2 minutes at "base pace" or 60-75% MHR -- this could be running, walking with a heavy back pack (more like what you'd be doing on a mountain), cycling, or whatever; then do 1-2 minutes at a rate/intensity/cadence higher than base, getting you closer to anaerobic (75-90%) and then return to base; try to keep the working and recovering interval about the same and go for the desired amount of time. Intense workout, so keep it to 1-2 times a week. Enjoy!


Courtenay Schurman, CSCS

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