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Room for Rent in Lake City Area $500, Fred's house


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Fred Beckey is looking for a roommate and I told him I'd help him out in his search.


He is seldom ever at the house (usually out climbing/skiing/expeditioning somewhere) so you would pretty much have the run of the place. It's a pretty nice house. It would be a good location for someone attending/working at UW.


Lifetime supply of napkins, rubberbands, and FedEx boxes included in rent.


There was a climber (frequent poster here actually) who lived there for a bit over a year and that seemed to work out well for him, but he moved out of town a few months ago.


I'm not sure how utilities or other bills are split up.


Send me an email if you are interested and I'll give ya the contact info.


alpinfox at yahoo dot com

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Renting from Fred is easy. All bills and utilities related to the house are handled by the property manager.


As mr alpinfox states, Fred is usually not home. And when he is, he is usually working on his supersecret project or such.


Sweetest deal in Seattle for a climber/skier. Recommend it to anyone that doesn't mind living with a grandpa-aged fellow.



yes, I lived there for approx 3 years.

Edited by bwrts
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