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Washington Pass Climbing


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Anyone been up to Washington Pass recently? I was thinking of going up there next weekend to climb but I'm worried about the rock still being wet on most of the routes. Any of the routes up there dry out fast enough to climb while there is still snow around the base? Liberty Crack would be on wish list for this trip, maybe the 1st pitch of that route is so buried with snow that you'll actually be starting on the second pitch when you rope up.


Any beta would be helpful.



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Hi...I've been going up to WA Pass ski touring the last few weekends, right near Liberty, in fact. I was checking Liberty out w/the Beckey climbing book to get familiar with the climbing routes. A lot of rock on Liberty is exposed, possibly the whole route on the Crack but think you're right you could miss a pitch. There's still lots of snow you'd have to hike through to get there...and the snow's melting too so it may be wet in places...overall though it looks pretty dry. Heck, if you ski, it's a great area for that and then you can get REAL BETA for yourself. Wish I could be more help.


Ann from Marblemount

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