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GPS Navigation for Dummies


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Subject: Another sat-nav accident: car destroyed, driver escapes


Accepting satellite-navigation directions without sufficient thought has caused another accident. A young woman in Great Britain followed its directions onto a country lane which was blocked by a gate. At first she thought it was a dead end, she said, but "the sat nav insisted it was the correct way so I opened it and drove through."


After the first gate there was a second one, so she got out to close the first gate and open the second one, apparently not thinking about why there might be two gates across a road, or why there was a sign saying to proceed "if the light is green". (None of the news reports I found says any more about that light than that the sign existed.)


while she was out of her car, a train came along the tracks and demolished it.





How soon before someone on Hood follows GPS track into a crevasse?

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They need to outlaw these goddamn GPS devices. They're just a recipe for destruction. Someone tell Big Brother to put criminalization with stiff penalties on their list because we're too stupid to use GPS responsibly. I think my GPS-head neighbors have a lab or something next door, and their damn kids wander around the neighborhood, directionally challenged because of being GPS-babies.

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