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Found Crampons


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During a pathetic, failed Sunday morning attempt on Hood, we found some crampons just below Silcox. We picked them up around 2.15am thinking that someone up higher would be missing them soon and we might save them a step or two.


We met three groups descending from the maelstrom, all cold, wet and irritated, but none had lost their crampons. One fellow mentioned that he'd seen the crampons fall off the pack of a descending climber (he didn't say why he didn't help out).


The clouds and 50mph gusts convinced us to dig in around 3.45am at 9000'. We waited an hour or so, as conditions appeared to be improving, but it only got worse and we realized for certain that we'd been denied. We did get a glimpse of the summit in moonlight as we dug in, but that was all the mountain gave us.


The crampons are at Lost and Found in the Day Lodge. We found an iceaxe on the trail at about 8000' as we descended, but we left it since we figured its owner would be descending soon.

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