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Acces to Mt. Slesse


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Access to both sides of Slesse is two wheel drivable. The Bypass Glacier is almost entirley avalanched but both sides of the mountain are almost completely devoid of snow for water. Do yourself a favour and pick up Kevin Mclane's "Alpine Select", it makes life a lot easier.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not entirely true... As of 9/Sept there's a 10-15' square snow patch near the bivi ledge at half height and another larger one right on the summit. If you had a stove you could definitely use it.

The Bypass/Pocket glacier occupies two sections of the cirque, both are easily bypassable, no need for crampons etc.

We missed the turnout from the main road to the Slesse Creek parking spot in failing light. It's on the RHS right before you reach the turn before the orange gate.

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