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What route would you climb on Kili?


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So I got a chance in January to break free and walk up Kilimanjaro. Just seeing what route you would choose to do and why? Any feedback is greatly appreciated.






Oh yeah if any of you fools want to get out here for a trip, later 2007 sometime during the summer or in the fall I think I will organize a trip into the Rwenzori's. It take 7 days for the trek and I would like to spend an extra week at high camp doing climbs. So two weeks of climbing. Then I can point you in any direction you want to go like game parks or home.

Edited by ken4ord
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I enjoyed the Machame Route. It is very scenic, and gains altitude in a pleasant manner. I have also heard good things about the Shira Route, which joins Machame at ~3800m. All these routes will be crowded, as will the Mweka Route. I believe that the Western Breach is still closed, and that the non-normal routes are also closed.


A northern route would be interesting, but are supposed to be less scenic, and even more monotonous


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Thanks Mark, yeah it sort of a bummer that the technical climbs are closed, from what I have seen from recent picture that they would be fine. Because of the park regulations the difficulty is that there are no local guides that could handle them.


I am going for scenic since I am going with a friend which will be his first experience in Africa.

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I climbed the Rongai route from the north last year. The above comment about the northern routes is accurate - they are not very scenic. You miss out on several days of jungle trekking that you do on the more traditional southern routes. Also, the drive from Moshi to the start of the trek is one giant dustbowl.

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If you're not going to do a technical route, then I would suggest the Arrow Glacier route. It saves you from having to traverse around the mountain and up the Baracno Wall, and its not nearly as heavily traveled. The 3-4th scrambling on summit morning is really fun at 17-18k, and then you get a 30-35 degree snow slope to the summit plateau. Way better than the scree slog from the other side.


Whoops - didn't see that this route is supposedly still closed. That sux!

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as a mild hijack - any rec'd guide companies/outfitters?


That is very mild hijack. I also looking into that right now, it is damn expensive, but I think I found a place that will do the Machame trip with transport from Nairobi and back for $1100. I have been in touch with another guy who will do from Moshi for $1100, it is crazy to think these are the budget trip.


I saw some for $6000 spending lots of extra days on the mountain, private toilets and private showers. Crazy.

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