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End of paper Topographic maps in Canada???


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Clipped from today's CBC website:


Canada shreds plan to scrap paper maps

Last Updated: Thursday, October 12, 2006 | 10:37 AM ET

CBC News

The Canada Map Office has found its way out of the scrap heap.


The previous Liberal government decided to close the map office, which provides regional dealers with large-scale topographical maps that show details about terrain and elevation. The plan had been to move to digital maps only.


But Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn announced Wednesday that the Conservative government has yanked that plan off its course, and the map office will remain open.


Kathleen Olson, a spokeswoman for Lunn, said Natural Resources Canada received a flood of letters protesting the planned closure.


"We did start seeing a lot of commotion around the idea of this office closing," Olson said.


"The minister wanted to find out more about it and once he did, he quickly realized that this is not something he wanted to see happen."

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