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OK, I have only been back in town for a short time, and have not yet adventured to the McLellan Rocks. Can anyone offer some directions? Are there shady routes for these hot days? Are there any good beginner/intermediate routes if I bring out some beginners?


Eric Christianson

Edited by high_on_rock
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H. O. R.


Take Francis West out of town, past 5mile, past 7mile, and turn left at 9mile dam onto Charles Road.


Travel 5 miles, then take a right (downhill), onto South Bank Road.


Follow South Bank Road for 8 miles, along which the road turns to gravel. As the road forks twice, stay left.


Look for Brown Riverside State park signs designating Fisk Day Use area.


50 feet North of the first brown sign is the ivy bouldering area. bouldering only.


To find routes and more bouldering drive past the brown sign, (staying left). Drive up a rocky 2-rut hill and continue until you see obvious boulders to climb on.

To be legal park within 40 feet of the road. Wander around until you find something cool to climb. Bouldering can be found on both sides of the road, but all routes are on the North side of the road.


Shady? Yes Moderates? Yes

Stop by Mountain Goat Outfitters on Sprague and Division for published directions to the individual cliffs.


p.s. blowboarder,

put the keyboard down and come see the bouldering for yourself. I'm a climber, not a photographer


love, arden

Edited by leearden
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Of corse Arden nailed it on the head. Theres just one thing I would like to add... The routes are not setup to be toprope (or with out leading them first) there are no bolts on top of most of the cliffs. This how "I" would like to see McLellan stay. If you need to set up topropes (first) Minne is all ready for that, so is Post Falls. But if you like the sharp end of a cord, McLellan Rocks is just the place!


Have Fun

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Thanks David for sharing your ethics with me. Seems that everyone I meet likes to share their ethics, and they all seem to differ from eachother. I think I will just stick with my ethics of "live and let live."


Went out to McLellan today and enjoyed what I saw. Climbed a few routes, enjoyed the peace, swam after climbing. Great day.


Thanks for the directions Arden



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Thanks David for sharing your ethics with me. Seems that everyone I meet likes to share their ethics, and they all seem to differ from eachother. I think I will just stick with my ethics of "live and let live."


Went out to McLellan today and enjoyed what I saw. Climbed a few routes, enjoyed the peace, swam after climbing. Great day.


Thanks for the directions Arden




I'm sorry you think I have ethics. You like what you seen, that would be from of a lot hard work that has been going on for the last 8 years. (you just made your first trip out there)I think of it as more of a (style) than a "ethic" and I hope this "Style" will keep McLellan Rocks as nice as it is... by the way it's not as nice as it once was.



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by the way it's not as nice as it once was.


A few less directions given on the inTARDnet might help with that.



Arden, believe it or not, I've managed to avoid Spokane completely (speeding thru on I-90 doesn't count) since that conversation, but that unlikely lucky streak will have to end sooner or later.

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BLOWBOARDER SPOTTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


For the longest time I thought he was just a myth, sending electronic messages of spray to the world from a secret lair in the basement of the pentagon, but now I've actually SEEN him!!!!

The other night, out at McLellen, as I was wandering around scrubbing off tick marks, I heard something in the crack cave. Following the sounds I set up my camera and got this shot of him, shattering my theory that he is just another fictional character pervading our media.


After he sent the problem, I had a word with him whereupon he informed me that the crack I had thought was 5.11, was actually only 5.10. Furthermore he said that he had added a sit start, and renamed the problem "Hands across McLellen", F.A. by Blowboarder.


Didn't seem fair to me, but I guess that's how they do in Sandpoint. Whatever





So, for all you E WA cyber-climbers who've doubted the existence of N ID climbers, I tell you... they're for real.

Also, if you value your resume', and the glory of all your FA's, get your ass dirty and climb them again before some scurvy redneck comes to steal your spotlight.

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damn...OUTED!!! Guess I can expect a cruise missile into my cave lair, which just so happens to have a V9 roof crack exit...nice of you to click the pic while I'm dabbing on that rock...sitstart renaming is more than fair, it's expected.



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