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How do you find the time??


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A year and a half long. Oh, you mean pages--106! But just a measly master's thesis; I threw the idea of a doctoral dissertation in the trash. I figured, life is too short! I wanna rockband.gif.


mine was about the same length. This damn thing was up over 200 (just the body) at one point, and is now back down to 140 as my advisor has a red pen fetish, with a bunch of appendices and more that still need to be included.

I've enjoyed the whole PhD thing though. I've been teaching for the last two years and that's been a lot of fun! I've managed not to get utterly absorbed into being a lab monkey. It helps that my advisor is semi-retired (Emeritus) so i'm his last and only grad student grin.gif so out relationship is pretty low key.

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