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Cupola Rock?


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I was wondering if anyone here has ever done any of the routes there? It is listed in the Beckey guide book, about 3 miles North of Chinook Pass on the Crest trail. In theory there are at least 3 routes, about 3 pitches long and 5.7. I was wondering about the rock and route quality, if it's reasonable to even go in there.


Thanks Larry

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Years ago (20+) a buddy and I took a day and I did the Hargis route and one of the two chimneys, can’t recall exactly which one … my best recollection was great views from the top, absolutely no one around,, mediocre climbing on somewhat crappy rock with some loose ones thrown in for spice … pretty dirty … I would not be surprised if these routes haven’t been done since the time we were there … in the 20 years that I lived in Yakima I don’t know of anyone else that ever climbed there ...

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I still think we should just go to Clearwater...


Ended up going to Spring Mountain with some old climbing buds from the Tri-Cities and Walla Walla. thumbs_up.gif

I've got a couple of flappers now... thumbs_down.gif Curse you, Fab Slab! madgo_ron.gif


FWIW, the Nez Perce National Forest/South Fork of the Clearwater River is on fire right now, on the east side of the river about 6 miles south of Strangeville.

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