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[TR] Bachelor- West Ridge 6/8/2005


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Climb: Bachelor-West Ridge


Date of Climb: 6/8/2005


Trip Report:

This is dedicated to RuMR, June Freshiez jib upon you from great heights. cross posted from TGR cuz the freshizone needs some FRESH STOKE.


Around 9ish, sickbird Schralper calls up saying there is plenty o fluff to be had in the bowl, and he'd be by the office with his sled shortly. Stoked!



view from the back door


Schralper is the fkn d00d of the hour, tows me up above Pine with his fancy arse 900 (thanks again man), there was nary a 1000' of skinning left to get dem goods.


The views were amazing, the 4-5" of snow had magically transformed the Sisters wilderness back into its more attractive winter-esque state:




During the skin, the tasty goodness that was laid out perfectly in the bowl urged me higher up the ridge.




When i was chillin on top, taking in the views, the sickbird himself comes slednekkin up to the top, damn d00d!


The turns were stellar up high. I think schralper got some pics of me and my super fine a$$ form. All in all, a fkn great morning, and a great June so far. Keep it coming!!!!!

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