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Colchuck Peak Ascent and Ski Descent May 7/8


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Brian and I climbed Colchuck Peak via the Colchuck Glacier last weekend, May 7/8. There is snow all the way down to the lake, but the lower part below the moraine is extremely soft. Going was slow as we were postholing up to our knees.


Once past the moraine, the conditions improved dramatically and we were able to take advantage of a frozen boot track which made the going pretty easy. As we climbed, the light precipitation increased and it began to snow. By the time we got to the col it was snowing pretty hard.


After a short break, we left our skis behind and ascended to the summit plateau. Initially on dirt and sand, then a rising traverse across moderately steep snow slopes to the summit plateau. The remainder was an easy walk to the summit, but it was blowing hard with transported ice crystals, so we both wished we would have had our goggles along. After about 10 minutes on top, we descended to the col.


Strapped on our skis and skied into the fog. Visibility was about 50 feet, so there were some exciting moments dodging some big holes (several feet across) and the debris of a large point release slide. By staying right of the moraine snout, we were able to ski all the way to Colchuck Lake, about 2500 feet below the col. The upper part was great skiing, but it got slushier and slushier the lower we went. Not too much longer now and the route will not be skiable to the lake.


Returned to camp, packed up in the pouring rain, and hiked out to the trailhead. All in all, it was a fantastic outing.



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