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combine flights in to Waddington Range?


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If anyone has plans to fly in to the Waddington Range with Whitesaddle Air on or around April 23rd and does not have a full helicopter (4 passengers), please send me a PM.

My ski group has changed from eight folks down to five and that makes flying in too expensive, so we're hoping to find another party that might be interested in working out a mutually beneficial arrangement to share a heli flight in to the range.



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This winter Mike King replaced his heli with a larger one that now seats four passengers with all their gear. He got rid of his heli that used to seat 3 passengers, otherwise we'd do two flights and not have a problem.

The price has gone up because of the larger bird, so if my group of five was to go we'd basically be chartering a heli for one passenger...which is too expensive for us.

I have talked with a vancouver group from the alpine club of canada that is flying in on the 23rd, but they won't know how many passengers they have for another week, so I figured I'd see if anyone else out there wants to 'heli-pool'.


clarification- just so i'm not accidentally spreading mis-information, Whitesaddle's new chopper can carry 1150lbs...has enough room for six passengers, but the overall weight limit is obviously the factor in determining how many people with backpacks and skis can fit.

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