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waddington question


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gonna be skiing in the waddington range in about a month. If my group ends up with some extra time towards the end of our trip due to good weather, I was thinking about spending a few days checking out the northern half of the range. We'll be primarily on the Dais, Franklin, Ice Valley, and Waddington glaciers. Is there a relatively straightforward way to get from that side of the range over to the Rainy Knob, Plummer Hut, and Tellot glacier area? Was thinking that its probably to descend the Bravo glacier route on Munday, but if anyone knows of a particularly good way to get across the divide between the two halves of the range, I'd apprecite hearing about it.

Edited by pete_a
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Is there a relatively straightforward way to get from that side of the range over to the Rainy Knob, Plumber Hut, and Tellot glacier area?


the short answer is "no", there is not an easy route.


you might be able to work down Splendour Glacier, over by Grenelle. Beckey did, in 1942 - i doubt anyone else has tried...

you could climb Munday, then come down the E ridge of the Don or the thing that spews out westward between the Don and the N summit (mistakenly labelled Bravo Gl on some maps).

you could climb the Dais couloir, traverse into the W-C col, and come down the Tiedemann.


none are easy.


ro you could go way far east and come down Welcome Gl, east of Marcus. easiest, but long...


good luck, have fun.




p.s. it's "Plummer", not plumber...

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thanks Don, from looking at the maps and your book, I was kinda figuring that there wasn't an easy way over there. I imagine we'll be happy skiing what we can over on the south side. Thanks for letting me know about Bravo glacier error on the topo.

...and i knew i'd have a typo somewhere, i always manage to put in a couple gems (like 'Plumber Hut')...



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