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Hey All,


Just wanted to let all of you know that there

will be a party at the Showbox Wednesday (3/2).


I know it has been a tough year and we haven't

made as many turns as we should have. Thank Uller

for air-travel. So in preparation for next season

I enlist all of you to come to the Showbox and

partake in libations, compare stories of base

damage with fellow winter enthusiasts, and just have a

downright good time. So, hop into your

"Testarossa" and bring your "Bremalo" down to SNOWBASH 2005

for a little "Square Dance Rap"!!





Yeah Thats right "Buttamilk Biscuits" for



Wednesday, March 2: 8PM * The Showbox



Alpine Hut

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definitely wasn't sold out. you'll probably never be able to see mix play for that cheap again ... unless you happen to be at some house party that's hosting him. hope you made it! it was fun!!! saw one other cc.com'er there. (sorry i wasn't more talktative when you said hi; i was a little out of it at the time!)

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