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My guess would be mix 1/2 corstarch 1/2 water. Put it in a meat loaf pan, or other deep flat dish. Let dry. Viola.... my master's project is complete. Please email me your results, I'm a lazy student.


Someday when I have children I may be asking for your help over the internet [Wink]


Not feeling very clever today [Frown]

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thing 1 and thing 2... that way only people that realy know us know what the kids names are... safety wise it is not smart for us to put their names or pics of them on the internet.


you think of things like that when you are a mommy.


mixed 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of cornstartch in verry small pan... I put it in the oven on a low temp to try and speed up the drying process.... hope it works [big Grin]


[ 10-20-2002, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Muffy The Wanker Sprayer ]

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Lesson in parenting number 1 complete.


I saw a couple about 2 weeks ago crossing the street with their child. The father was pushing the kid in the stroller and made an attempt to cross 45th (busy street) while the crossing signal was flashing. The mother hollered at him,

"where are you going?!".


Made me realize the instinct inherent in mother. If I was the father I probably would have gone for it without thinking twice. But the mom knew better.


[ 10-20-2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]

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sk's sugestions:


-start with a house plant

-if house plnat survives, get a hamster

-if hamster survives then meet women that you might want to spend a WHOLE lot of time with and that you will try to love even when they are fat and angry for a LONG time.

-while meeting women get a dog... if dog survives relationships

-think about having children


mommys are special people [big Grin]

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I left my only two house plants in Salt Lake City with a friend.


She's nursing them back to health.


My favorite of the two I left on the window sill in June two years ago when it looked like it was going to rain. But sometimes the storms get really ugly and the wind blew like mad while I was at work and it hailed all over my poor plant that landed in the front yard. The window sill I left it on was in the BACK of the house.


[ 10-20-2002, 04:45 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]

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most adults don't need to be "taken care of" in the way that animals, children, and house plants do... but we all need energy comming into us. if you are in a relationship with some one and they put into you and put into you and don't get back something that they need (what ever kind of energy that is... it verries person to person) then the relationship ends.


my sceince experimant is almost dry... any suggestions on how to get it out of the pan???



[ 10-20-2002, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Muffy The Wanker Sprayer ]

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I would like to thank all of you participating in this thread for conducting such a lovely, civil, educational conversation. I felt like I was eavesdropping on a phone call! Good to share a vibe with others working through the weekend.


But - so long Crater Lake, I'm outttta heeeerree! Wheee!!! No more field work this year!


Ok - had to get that out of my system...


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