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Did Brinnon alter their Web site?


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Given my ongoing morbid curiosity regarding the lunatic-fringe right wing, I was interested to see what creationists might have to say about the discovery of midget pre-humans in Indonesia recently. Naturally, I turned to the links page helpfully provided on cascadeclimbers "access page" earlier this year by our correspondent from Brinnon, "Sailboy," in connection with his support for reconstructing an access road to the former R.V. camp near Brinnon, Wash., on the Dosewallops River. Despite a careful search of the site, brinnonprosperity.org I was unable to locate this link, previously available, to a creationist site that described various and sundry weird visions, purporting to disprove evolution. All of my other favorite links, sponsored by big timber & mining interests, et alia, (alas, not necessarily the "lunatic fringe,") remain available through links on the site's "focus points" page regarding the Dose. If Sailboy happens to notice this post, can he please provide the creationist link so that I may further my sociological education?



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