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Scholar with a Dollar 10c - Lower 8 Mile Buttress wave.gif

The Nose 10d - Castle Rock

MF Overhang 10c - Castle Rock

Easter Overhang 10c - Midnight Rock

Z Crack 10c - Alphabet Rock

Iconoclast 10c - Snow Creek Wall

Debs Crack 10d - Debs Crack


All super good routes for the grade.


I think there is some good climbs at Pearly Gates, but I don't know the names or grades off the top of my head. Have fun.


Edited by TimL
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get a guide, but...


Castle rock:

Crack of doom 10a

Brass Balls 10b

MF Overhang 10c


Pearly Gates:

Celestial Groove 5.9+

Pearly Gates 10b

Heaven's Sake 10b

Leap of Faith 10d


Snow Creek:

Hyperspace 10d

Iconoclast 10c

Outer Space 5.9


Rat Dome:

Silver Surfer 5.10

Vegtables of Labor 10c

Barn Rat 10+


Careno Crag:

BK route 10b

Regular Route10b

Condo Corner 10b

exotic dancer 10a

A swingin' afair 10b


There are other 5.10 gear routes that are classics but the crags I have listed have the highest concentration without lots of walking/driving/walking crap.


Camping is available all over the Icicle canyon, unfortunately it'll cost you.


It'll be hot bring sunscreen, and the Pearly Gates is probably your best bet if it's really hot, Careno probably the worst.


Have fun! bigdrink.gif


* Scholar with a Dollar is on lower 8-mile Buttress not upper. Tighten up, Tim!

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