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Highball Fall No Pad


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Originally posted by David Parker:

1,000 m = approx 3,330 ft. I recall reading a story about a WWII gunner who fell 10,000 ft. and lived! Landed in a big snowy fir tree with lots more snow on the ground. I wonder what the record is???

After you reach terminal velocity it does not matter how high off the ground you were. You are referring to Pvt. Nicholas L. Alkemade. I believe he actually fell 19,000 feet after ejecting out of a burning bomber. See The [big Drink] Book of World Records "biggest Fall" for more info.


Still, 1000m = El Cap. [Eek!] That is plenty highball.


[ 06-26-2002, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Dru ]

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