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Seattle meeting place??


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I'm having a meeting Thursday night. I was all set to use my buddy's classroom but he just called to say we cant meet there after all cantfocus.gif.


I'm looking for a space with at least a dozen seats, hopefully twice that, and a white board. Last time we had one big table, conference table style, and that worked fine. The meeting convenes at 7:30 and adjourns at 9:30, but we actually need from 7-10. This has to do with the climbing club we are creating - more on that soon.


I just got word of the meeting place cancellation so I'm kind of scrambling here shocked.gif Any ideas?


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Here are some places to try:

1. King County Library, Bellevue Branch (see here for info on reserving rooms). They've got a big meeting place out by the main hall. If that branch's room is not available, they may be able to point you in the right direction. The Bellevue branch is open till 9PM, so you're good-to-go in that regard.


2. When studying for the P.E. exam, I met an idiot at North Seattle Community College. We went to a small study room (capacity for six or so) with whiteboard. They may have bigger rooms. See here.


3. Seattle Public Library's Queen Anne Branch has a room downstairs but they'll be closed at your time of use. Call the SPL for more info on other possible venues.


Don't know where else off-hand...but UW certainly has lots and lots of rooms big enough to handle your capacity concerns. You could practically walk into any hall and 'set up shop', as it were (janitor bitching notwithstanding but they won't know what your agenda is anyway).


Good luck.

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