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Yeah I got one of their CDs, the one with 'if you wanna get to heaven' and with the quilt like album cover. Really mellow tunes. I guess i'd call it country rock or a genre some call southern rock.


Lots of bands were producing that kind of music at that time, Grateful Dead (Uncle John's Band), Pure Prairie League, The Band, Marshall Tucker, Eagles, Allman Brothers, CCR, etc, even Zep did their Zep III, which was a mellow sounding album, kind of countryish in some songs. I think it reflected part of the marijuana ethic, add some back-to-the-country movement, some populist sentiment, the whole 'blue jean, salt of the earth gestalt...


The funny thing though, I thought, about some of those bands was the number of people in the band. Like OMD had about, what, eleven people? Either that or they also included roadies and hanger-ons with the photo shoots.

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Released 1973. A different universe. Disillusionment with government from scandal of Watergate and the winding down of Vietnam War (a war that was never formally declared, the closest declaration of war would be the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution), sky high gasoline prices with the Arab oil embargo, high inflation (but candy bars were 10 cents), not encumbered by personal electronics, a smaller economy (how high was the DOW in 1973?), less credit card debt, all following in the wake of the 60's which was punctuated with assassinations, SEXUAL REVOLUTION!, a youth movement open to new ideas to replace the stale 'ol man' politics, cracking the old shell of the world...


What happened to the sense of wonder and freedom and new beginnings that time offered? The hippie ethic was replaced by yuppie consumerism. Don't get me wrong, there was a dark side to the hippie way as it putrified--the drug casualties, all the people who become lost after leaving home in search of something, AIDs...


Money talks, bullshit walks. Self-interest is ultimately more powerful than communitarian ideals. Sitting around sharing a doob, feeling the sense of communion and affinity , that ritual of youth was replaced by greed and distrust. Maybe it's all just an illusion of youth, when things were more carefree, not bearing the weight of responsibilities, having a strong vigorous body, no wrinkles, a libido that could rocket ya to the moon, acceptance, etc.


Oh shit, I guess there's still the tunes.

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What happened to the sense of wonder and freedom and new beginnings that time offered? The hippie ethic was replaced by yuppie consumerism.


Shit man! as i read the first sentence I totally was about to reply the same as your 2nd sentence! yellaf.gif tru nuff. at least the music remains the same. Mabe we will see another revolution like the one of the last generation. Or mabe no-one cares anymore. We are all content with our SUV's and soy yellaf.gif mocha lattes. or whatever they are called. cantfocus.gif

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