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Red Rocks, Dec 20 - Jan 2


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Are you staying in the campground? I'm thinking of heading that way during the same time frame. It's nice to have no students, eh? I would probably drive down from Bend for like 5-7 days depending on weather. What routes do you have in mind? I can lead 5.8 gear and follow 5.10 comfortably.



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I don't know the route, but will follow pretty much anything. How about you go climb and I will take care of the girlfriend? It was just a thought. I will be there about Sunday or monday, staying at the campground. Easy to find, only little red miata in the lot. I know the area pretty darn well, visiting 4-5 times each year. I love the long easy routes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't see no red miata in da lot yo. moon.gif


When I wasn't lookin' fur you, I did some reeeel nice climbin'.


Ginger Cracks with snow on da ledges (sweet route) and Olive Oil (chimney thrutchin' wif a cuple nice pitches in da middle) for multipitch trad, otherwise did the sport monkey gig. Got my second 5.12 "viagra falls" THUMP THUMP . My favorite sport route at RR is "Running Man". rockband.gif Damn nice route.


Climbed wif da GF, dbb (aka Alpine Dave), and a coupla docs (I'm accident prone so I like to keep at least one around at all times). All fun peoples and we had a merry old time except for dat rappeling in the dark fiasco when GF got her hand caught in the belay device. pitty.gif She's OK now, thanks for asking.


Visited Grand Canyon. Reel purty wif da snow and all. "Desert View" is the best view of the canyon if ya ain't gonna hike.


I'd post pictures (I got lotsa good uns) but my housemate destroyed my computer while I was gone so I can't download em from my camera. How bout that shizzle! Ya'll just hafta wait.


wave.gif Peace Out





caveat: I'm a newbie.



edit: YO YO YO! Alpine Dave in da HIZOUSE:


Edited by Alpinfox
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Yo Gangsta Alpinfox, you got to stop listening to much hip-hop. It is starting to get to a point where we will need one of those ebonic translators inorder to understand you.


Glad you had a great trip. I am up for ice though not as siked as I have been in the past, the snow here is killer. I will give you a call soon or you can call me.



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