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White Slabs TR


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Per Erik's request...


We had plans to climb Orbit this weekend, but a super late start, a hangover or some shit from my partner, and the discovery of a newly minted hole through my rock shoes dictated something a little less aggressive. We chose White Slabs.


The route is fairly low angle given its neighbors - Outer Space and Orbit sit just to the left and Champagne to the right. A small tree indicates the start of White Slabs. When I'd asked about this route earlier, people rolled their eyes and asked why would you want to climb that shit... it's full of moss and dirt and grass. True enough it was wet and messy looking early season when I was asking around, and there are some bushes to dodge along the way, but it's a nice moderate lead for a chump like me tongue.gif Actually the route's quite fun and has mini-versions of the same features on neighboring routes (twin cracks, hand jams, a flakey lie back, a quasi-chimney like thing...) We brought a modest rack up to 2". Hexes could work as the cracks are pretty featured.


The route is roughly a short 4th class scramble to get up to the start, one super short pitch, one full 60M rope length to a killer belay ledge, and a half rope pitch up to Country Club Ledge. All is pretty straight forward. Supposedly there's a linkage to three solid pitches on the Umbrella Tree, but we were short on time. Shizzy, if you got beta on that, fill me in. The rap down was made easy by buddying up with another party for a double rope rap (thanks Jeremy and Dan.)


The net net... short and moderate but fun. I give it thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gif


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