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Posts posted by Squid

  1. Boy Figger Eight, that's a great deal on an awesome parka! If I needed one, I'd be all over it. I know people are starting to plan their Denali trips right now - this parka is the one they need


    Wow, an unsolicited celebrity endorsement from FastEddie! yelrotflmao.gif


    I'll take two!

  2. Yes, you'll hang around as long as you are enlisted. He'll be your commander in chief, like it or not, and you work for him.


    Note: 'private military contractor'- not enlisted, does not report to the commander in chief, and is not (directly) on the gov't payroll.

  3. Bush has never been to a funral of anyone killed in Iraq. What a lame asshole.


    Is that true? I'm no fan of Bush, but that is unbelievable. Anyone confirm/deny this assertion?

  4. 1. Fine, you are entitled to your opinion. However, as inanimate objects, guns are incapable of being "stupid, reckless, and useless" as you assert. People can act stupidly, behave recklessly, and by their actions can prove themselves useless.


    2. Why? You will only discredit any link I post as "funded by the NRA" or some other such thing. I'll see what I can do for you. crime down

    Oops, here's another one: crime comparison


    3. No, it's because these things happen. I don't have links on this one, but I read the news stories.


    4. Don't be mistaken, Squid, I in no way threatened you. I wouldn't waste my time threatening you. What I stated was a potential outcome as our views of personal self-defense differ.



    Here's a nice article on the 2nd Amendment for Individuals: article


    Here is another side of the Brady Campaign link: DANGER!! NRA link!!!




    1. We'll table this one for the moment- the argument that 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' is something we can pick up again later.


    2. The links you posted didn't work for me- I was just redirected to the NRA homepage. If you were directing me to an article, it would be great if you could post the text.


    While I was there, a search on 'crime' brought up a nifty spreadsheet on violent crime data since the sixties. The notable aspect of this data is that (during the Clinton administration), violent crime decreased throughout the mid-to-late '90's. This doesn't imply that the decrease in crime was in any way related to personal gun ownership- this decrease in crime is old news and is directly attributable to the higher employment rates during that period. Since then (ie. since Bush took office) unemployment has risen and we've seen a correlated rise in violent crime. This rise in crime was not prevented by private handgun ownership.

    I'd suggest that rather than looking a historical crime trends within the US, it would be useful to compare US crime rates with the crime rates in comparable cultures.


    Another interesting look would be at the change in violent crime rates in Australia since they began instituting strict gun control laws ( here ).


    3. C'mon. Work harder, or concede the point.


    4. My bad. All apologies.


    wave.gif (edited to correct misspellings)


  5. 1. Guns are toys. Whether you're hunting deer or the local stop & rob, you're just playing a game. Just like cams and stoppers. They're stupid, reckless, and useless, but they're toys.


    2. Violent Crime: Back up your statements with some facts or data. Your hand-waving approximations are meaningless. Find a link, bright boy.



    Why do stories appear of private citizens using guns to defend themselves against violent home invaders?

    ..because they need something between the advertisements in Guns and Ammo and Soldier of Fortune ? Really, GW, this is weak. Come back and play when you get some data.



    GregW was all like.. I'd have several JHPs bouncing around in your chest cavity before you could get that fucker loaded.

    Threat Ok, you're right. My guns are locked away in the basement, empty, in the gun cabinet.

    Then again, I've been threatened often, but never beaten. the_finger.gif

  6. Further, the extension that the anti-gun crowd is pushing EXPANDS THE LIST of "assault weapons" to be banned. Included are several models/styles of semi-automatic shotguns (a common hunting gun) and semi-automatic rifles and/or rifles with a removeable clip (which may or may not be semi-auto).



    GW, if you need a semi-automatic shotgun, you shouldn't be hunting.


    Despite being a typical liberal thug, I am actually ambivalent about gun control. I own guns, and enjoy them (yes, guns are toys). At the same time, I do believe they contribute directly to American murder and crime rates. While I would hate to lose my guns, I cannot morally defend them, and I'm disgusted at the NRA for their pathetic attempts.


    The NRA's 'hunting and tradition' defense is absolute bullshit (c'mon- it's a fucking shotgun! If you didn't take it down with the first shot, you're not a hunter. Clips for a hunting rifle? Who are you kidding?).


    The 'self-defense' gambit is no better. Our (U.S.) violent crime rates are 5 times higher than any other industrialized nation ( CDC study ). Guns are used to facilitate crimes; they don't stop crime. In the absence of our gun culture, we wouldn't descend into some chaotic anarchy of knife-wielding rapists and fine-art thieves, but would blissfully ascend to a higher state of group-hugging dope-smoking vegetarians (we'd become Dutch).


    The NRA are pansies, cuz they won't stand by the real reason we have that second amendment - to facilitate armed revolt from an oppressive government. If you look again at the second amendment, it's nestled right in there with other protective clauses that restrict the government (quartering of troops, search and seizure, etc). The amendment is there so we can protect ourselves from our gov't, not from each other. If the NRA had balls, they'd be campaigning for my rights to mount a 50mm on top of my Hummer.


    just to keep the love flowing..


    ps. My guns are bigger than yours, and I'm a better shot. the_finger.gif

  7. Yeah- it's fascinating to see our hunches confirmed..outside of large urban areas, America votes Republican.


    As a product of a really conservative & religious small town, I suspect that this is because anyone with two brain cells to bounce together leaves those areas as soon as they are able; the only people who can tolerate living in those areas are people who don't expect much more for culture than what they get from prime-time.

    There are exceptions- I think many of us would prefer to live far outside of cities, but I think that has become a part of the socio-cultural-economic lifestyle of Americans: small town kids head to cities as soon as they're able for jobs/school/culture/acceptance and remain in cities throughout most of their productive (economic) years, retiring to more rural areas only once they have the economic means to do so.


    I am open and eager to hear other theories of our nations geographic socio-economic segregation.

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