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Everything posted by dynobelay

  1. Here's a picture of the nefarious new route. What a plum!!!
  2. The new route went up a huge moss patch (which was cleaned). Winter Solstice is further right, but it joins it for the last few feet. I top-roped it. Seemed about 5.9
  3. I might be available for a day or 2 if you're not already booked up. Been there about a dozen times myself, almost 100 routes. Live in 11worth.
  4. Give me an email when you're in the area. (birdrok@gmail.com) I have some time and a few projects I'm working on. One is particular, Fury Road, could use a Furiosa for the 1st ascent. Its 11-something and mostly sport. My son and I almost got it but not quite. My draws are still up there.
  5. The 1st belay bolts on Mary Jane Dihedral have been replaced with 2 stainless 3/8 bolts and hangers, plus a chain for rapping. Couldn't get the 2 1/4 inch bolts out. Rusted and the nuts stripped. Maybe someone else can do that. Of course the hanging belay still sucks. But its now more trustworthy.
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