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About jmk

  • Birthday 11/04/1967

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Anyone interested in a climb up st helens let me know
  2. My old climbing group has split up so it is time to see about finding a new one. I have kids and a wife so although i try to get out often there are limits. I aim for 1 peak a month or so from march to september. I am not a technical climber and mainly do it to enjoy the view and being outside. I don't mind doing to same peak a few times over the season even the same routes do not bother me. I am pretty laid back and casual if we make the summit great if not, we can always come back. My only rough plans for this season are to try to summit shasta and a june/july trip to whitney via onion valley. If you are interested let me know.
  3. have a cilogear worksack gathering dust so figured i would pass it on. It is in good shape. it is the 60l with crampon pocket and size large. has all straps still. asking $75 Pack is sold
  4. anyone interested in a training hike up nesmith?
  5. clearing out some gear and have this pack spare. asking $75 in good condition. great lightweight back good for loads up to 35lbs.
  6. I have a pair of RAB gaiters forsale (latok extreme) size large. used but in good condition ($35) I also have a pair of marmot scree pants in a size 40. these are never worn since they were way to big for me. I got them on closeout so could not send them back. Asking ($40) let me know if interested at jmkeary@yahoo.com or on here
  7. how do you like these boots? I am thinking of getting a pair. I have a pair of la sportiva nepals that i bought to small that need to be replaced. after 3 years of toe bang and countless toenails lost i need larger boots.
  8. I have a pair of europe size 44. Nepals forsale. They are great boots and still have lots of life in them. Asking $100 Thanks
  9. I have a pair of la sportiva nepals that I have used on everything from day hikes to climbing Rainier and Shasta. They are a great boot. I also hear the scarpa guide boots are good as well. I have seen a lot of guides on Rainier with them. You can also check whittaker mountaineering site for good recommendations. Biggest thing in getting a boot is getting the right size. Do not get them in the size you normally wear. You want then at miniumum a half size higher and more likely a full size. I wear a 10 and My nepals are a half size larger at 10.5. They are great going up but my toes get slammed going down. I should have bought them a full size larger at an 11 or even an 11.5 I have a pair a all round lowas that are 11.5 and they are awesome going up and down put are not a full on mountaineering boot. Now to talk my wife into letting me spend another $500 on a pair of boots the right size ;-)
  10. Call rmi guides and ask they will let you know which route is the best right now
  11. The trick at this time of year for adams is checking the road conditions to the trail head depending on where the road is open to will make a huge difference on whether it is a day trip or multiday trip. Usually the road doesnt open until late may june
  12. Hi All I have a new pair of Marmut Scree pants. I got them online at a good price due to a close out sale. Unfortunately they are way to big for me. I ordered the same size I wear in every other pant but these run huge a guess. They are size 40 and new I am asking $40 for them. I also have a used osprey exos 58, asking $asking $90 for it.Is in good shape and is a nice pack i am just thinning out my selection of packs
  13. I am cleaning out some gear and have some well used but loved gear to sell Petzl pantin foot ascender Petzl croll chest ascender Petzl ascender blue right handed Petzl stop descender two black diamond locking carabiners one petzl attache locking carabiner 1 petzl spirit straight gate carabiner 1 screw gate heavy d-ring make me an offer either cash or trade. I have not used these items since my caving days. I will let them go cheap either all together or individually thanks
  14. have a set of petzl charlet crampons with sidelock. Asking $50
  15. Have a set of Charlet sidelock crampons available. let me know if you are interested. Asking $65
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