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tele turnin

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Everything posted by tele turnin

  1. i've never been canyoneering in anything this wet, but in the past we have done our best to keep our ropes dry with drybags, being smart, etc. hauling a wet rope is no fun, those things double in weight in no time.
  2. i really just might and am considering taking some dinky inflatable raft for the last part after the last set of falls. i just need to convince the wife that it's nothing compared to the darby ice caves in wyoming i dragged her through. maybe here in a few weeks when med-school gives me a chance.
  3. Has anybody ever descended the watercourse of Eagle Creek starting above the high bridge? I've done my fair share of canyoneering on the Colorado Plateu (Zion, Moab, Escalante, etc.), and just want to know how feasible it would be to "canyoneer" down Eagle Creek. I've hiked the trail a few times with the wife and kid and on our last trip the water still looked a little high. I've found this beta: http://www.canyoneeringnorthwest.com/Eagle_Creek.html But would like to hear from those that have done it so I can maybe plan a trip. I'm relatively new to the area (just over a year), but have already had my fun climbing Hood a few times, skiing Adams, climbing Rainier, and feel that this is a worthy next objective. Thanks.
  4. pm sent
  5. how was the snow? ie: was it suncupped and mank or did it seem to corn up decently enough for some good turns?
  6. Looks like our trip is getting pushed from mon/tues to later in the week so if anybody is up this weekend and doesn't mind it would be great to hear how it was and if conditions would be good for skiing. also where can i find compass bearings for the south side route in case we need them? thanks again all.
  7. Anybody headed up this weekend? Mind posting current road conditions to Cold Springs and route info? Also, is there a website that also updates road conditions? A few of us (that have never been) are looking at going up Mon/Tues. Thanks.
  8. not directly realted to topic, but i didn't want to start a new thread. is late july/early august to late to ski adams? we had hoped to do it this month, but thought it would be more than a 2 hour walk to cold springs and i'm leaving town until july and am hope it would still be worth to ski, or is it too late in the year and chock full of glissade chutes by then?
  9. Yeah originally we wanted to do something other than the standard South Side, but with the recent weather we decided it was the best bet. I am somewhat new to the area and the lightning/thunder is what worries me coming from an area where that has been a real problem on mountains in the past.
  10. anybody going up this weekend? i am thinking about going early saturday morning but am a little put off by the forcast saying that there may be some thunder. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=45.35407536661815&lon=-121.70516967773437&site=pqr&unit=0&lg=en&FcstType=text
  11. The only snowshoes I saw were a pile of around 6 just above where the cat-track ends.
  12. Jut got home from climbing Hood today. This was my first time to the mountain and conditions were excellent and as one person stated "you could light a match on the summit and it wouldn't blow out." We, and most everyone, did the variation of Old Chute that was mentioned above by Karl_S. I saw two teams that were taking the Pearly Gates on the right hand side. All in all a great day, the only thing I would change is hauling a kiddie snow sled (per Karl_S) as the slog back to the lodge got really old really fast.
  13. Looks like the weather might finally start to take a turn for the better. I am thinking about trying the southside of Mt. Hood this Thurs (5/19), so if you have been up recently or have any info on route/snow conditions let us know. Thanks.
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