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Everything posted by alpenlady

  1. alpenlady

    never mind

    Rob - I think over time it does make a difference. Yes. If it were just one group of people then that would not matter. But a company bringing people out every weekend - it adds up is what I think. But, maybe I'm wrong. I deleted my post.
  2. alpenlady

    never mind

    I was hoping for some helpful advice but forgot this is cc.com so I will just be attacked and nothing useful will come of posting here. And, maybe I'm the one who's wrong here anyway.
  3. Beeoooteefull! Wow! I thought I had a good weekend, until.... Nice job getting up there!
  4. The lake did not smell at all, except for that clean, pleasant freshwater smell that lakes have.
  5. Trip: Banks Lake Peninsula - Orange and Post Modern Walls Date: 10/1/2011 Trip Report: Doug and I had a nice weekend of climbing out at the Banks Lake Peninsula, and I wanted to share in case you're interested. The rock is good but needs more traffic so I am posting partly in the hope that others will be inspired to tread where we did, and the routes will clean up into the pretty decent climbs that they could be. I am too lazy to write a whole trip report, it seems like a lot of difficult work. There's a write-up and photos at this easy to use website: Enjoy! Gear Notes: Full rack poison ivy oil remover Approach Notes: canoe or other water craft needed; we came across from the launch opposite Northrup Canyon, which is closer to Seattle but does involve open water crossing. The other, more conservative option is to drive around to the other side and hug the shoreline.
  6. Yeah, great line, about 5.8 or 9, my favorite at K Cliff. Definitely do it!
  7. Hi there, I am looking for a partner for Index or Exit 38, any day this Friday through Monday. I am 36, have been climbing 8 years, have a rope and a rack, and I can lead or you can. I am new to Seattle and want to take advantage of the (finally!) good forecast. PM me with your phone number if you are interested and I will give you a call!
  8. Doug and I are going. Sorry, I just noticed this link, and I posted at the link in "Freshiez" that we were coming. We'll be there Saturday night - he just got back from the Sierras so it'll be too rushed to make it tonight. And, I am looking for a climbing partner on Sunday - Doug wants to ski but I hurt my back and can't ski. I have a rope and rack and can lead up to about 10a or 10c depending on my mood, can follow up to around 11a. My name is Moira (more-uh) so if I meet you at the ski-in, and you want to climb, let me know! Can't wait!
  9. Dougie and I are in! Anyone want to climb with me on Sunday? I am cutting Doug loose to ski but my back is jacked so I am roped access only. I'm happy to lead, or you can, or we can take turns. I have a rack and a rope, can lead up to 10a or so.
  10. What route?
  11. North Cascades Crest by James Martin really is beautiful. Other posts had the author's name as Jim Martin and Jim Nelson - but his name is actually James Martin - I have the book in front of me right now. I know you ordered one but maybe you could return it and try again.
  12. I am new to Seattle and hoping to find some new partners this year - currently my 3 Seattle climbing partners are all obsessed with ski season. So was I until an LCL injury took me out of the game for the remainder of the season. Luckily I can climb no problem! So - right now the Vantage/Tieton forecasts are calling for low fifties and partly cloudy. Anyone interested in hitting up one of those venues for a day or the weekend? I have a car, rack, rope, and can lead all the pitches or am equally happy to take turns leading. I'm a safe climber - I've been at it a while and hope to be at it a lot longer! Mostly I just like to get out, laugh, have fun, and drink a beer at the end of it all.
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