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About nekopunch

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


  • Location
    Seattle, WA

nekopunch's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Congrats to Drew and the other members of Team Vertical World! Here's footage of Drew in the finals:
  2. I was in a group of five which attempted Whitehorse via the standard route a couple weekends ago on 5/22. There was continuous snow from ~2800ft and considerable avy danger on the traverse between LTP and High Pass. Numerous wide sections of our tracks had been covered by slides by the time we returned from the summit. We didn't rope up on the glacier. The schrund at the summit block was wide open, so we stopped there and did not tag the true summit due to concerns about avy conditions on the return. We brought two 30m ropes, pickets, snowshoes, shovels, crampons, and ice axes, none of which were truly needed up to that point. I will PM to you (and to anyone else who requests it) a link to the full photo album. Hope that helps.
  3. http://www.hulu.com/farther-than-the-eye-can-see
  4. I was in the party that left on Sunday after you arrived. Wow, so you went from your car to the top of the couloir and back to your car in about an hour longer than it took us to get from the cars to camp on Saturday. Well done! Here you go. I'll PM you a link to the album where you can download them in higher res.
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