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About hands

  • Birthday 10/24/1989


  • Occupation
  • Location
    Los Angeles, Portland/Hood River

hands's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. I'm with you on the inefficiency due to increased friction, but a little confused on how that translates into increased force on the anchor. Is there something else about the system in not grasping? Just curious. -matt
  2. I want your old leeper hooks! Will pay cash or trade for (less-sketchy) gear. PM is okay but I am much more available by email: Hanrahan.matt@gmail. Home is a van so I can pick them up from you or pay shipping, whatever's good. Tell me what you've got and what you want for them. I'm interested in other wall gear too but leepers are the only think I can't seem to find. Thanks! -matt
  3. looks good to me, if you still have them I'll buy em. 503-927-9844. -Matt
  4. Hello, I work thurs-sunday and I'm looking for someone else who has mon, tues, and/or weds off and wants to climb! I'm down to climb with anyone but here's where I'm at: 5 years climbing intermittently, currently at 5.10 sport/5.9 trad with some basic mountaineering experience. I'm hoping to get more big climbs in this year, like some longer routes on beacon and at smith, maybe a trip to leavenworth or squamish, and another volcano or two (I'm only done the south side route on hood so far). I'm not really looking to climb harder grades, but if it happens cause I'm climbing more that'd be cool. For now let's just meet up at the gym or even for a beer. If any part of that sounds good to you hit me up. me: 26 yr/old guy in Portland who just wants to climb more and has mon-weds free you: anyone who wants to climb anything and has mon, tues or weds free thanks! -Matt hanrahan.matt@gmail.com
  5. I bought this 60 meter alpine rope thinking I would use it but just haven't and now I'm focusing more on rock. I paid $260 for it and it's been sitting in my closet for the last 8 months. Never uncoiled, much less climbed on. I'm asking $150 but will consider all offers including trade. Specs: 8.4mm 60 Meters Dry Treated Weight: 5 lbs 4oz Static Elongation: 11% Dynamic Elongation: 31.6% Impact force: 6.5 kN Any questions or offers just hit me up: 503-927-9844 or hanrahan.matt@gmail.com [img:center]https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1.0-9/10373488_10203436544456468_6001552367236326579_n.jpg[/img]
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