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Everything posted by RickG

  1. Bump, Accepting reasonable offers!
  2. I've been using the Soloist for years and routinely rope solo at the Exit's, as well as many other area's, sport or trad. The mechanics of the Soloist are simple and it's easy to see that it will lock up and catch a fall unless you flip upside down. If that is a possibility it's easy to back up the Soloist. Also it self feeds, although sometimes with significant rope drag(newer the rope the better). And it won't break the bank like the Silent Partner. When I'm rope soloing a sport route I usually use the first bolt for the anchor, unless there is a handy tree nearby. Then I clove hitch the rope to the second bolt/QDraw to be sure that the anchor biner is in the up position. So in effect I have two anchors. And yes, I am aware of the high fall factor. That being said you can usually plan on climbing below your limit, but it is a way to make easier climbs exciting again! I say go for it! But not bolt by bolt.
  3. Lower Wall was perfect! But I forgot the sunscreen. Of course that was thursday so I'm sure it's back to wet by now.
  4. My choices: Dog Leg to Geronimo Roof Breakfast of Champions Touch and Go Exorcist Taxman
  5. Anyone been to the lower wall at Index since the last round of snow this week? I still have about an inch of snow in my yard in Sammamish. What about the Exit's? Any conditions reports? Thanks!
  6. Check your PM's
  7. Mountaineering The Freedom of the Hills $12.00 Wasatch Climbing North by Ruckman. This guide book covers Little Cottonwood, Big Cottonwood, Lone Peak and other adjacent area's. $10.00 Walking the Appalachian Trail by Luxenberg. Interesting story telling by AT Thru Hikers. Not a guide book. $10.00 Above and Beyond Slickrock by Campbell $10.00 Moab Mt Biking Guide book American Discoveries by Dudley and Seaborg Scouting the first Coast to Coast Recreational Trail. This book describes their account of scouting the trail for the first time. American Discovery Trail, Explorers Guide by Reese Lukei Both American Discovery Books $12.00 each OR Both For Only $20.00 Basic Essentials of Map and Compass $2.50 Basic Essentials of Knots for the Outdoors $2.50 Old School Petzl Zoom Headlamp excellent Condition includes extra bulb / requires 3 AA batteries, $10.00 obo 20 Black Diamond and Omega Oval Biners not abused $2.50each 1 Black Diamond Figure 8 $5.00 Nylon Belay Seat/Chair $10.00 425-836-0119 Located in Sammamish, WA
  8. I like to take a look at some of the stuff. Where are you located?
  9. Belay seat/chair(10.00), all(20)Ovals(2.50ea), ATC(5.00)SOLD and 2 Figure 8's(5.00ea)SOLD ONE FIGURE 8 Still have one left!
  10. For Sale The High Sierra Peaks, Passes, and Trails by RJ Secor ...SOLD Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer (paperback)...$5.00 Both in Excellent Condition Rick Sammamish 425-836-0119
  11. [font:Arial]Incredible Deal On Like New Gear![/font] Check This Out: * Three Camp Tri Cams, Red, Blue, White... $10.00eachTRI CAMS HAVE SOLD * Full Set of Black Diamond Hexes, #1,#2,#3 are wired. #4 thru #11 are spectra(super strong rope) slung... $60.00 for the set OBO HEXES HAVE SOLD! * Two Figure 8's... $5.00 each * One ATC belay device... $5.00 * One Advance Base Camp Nylon Belay Seat/Chair for hanging belay's... $10.00 * Two Nut Cleaning Tools... $5.00 each SOLD BOTH * Many(20?) Black Diamond and Omega Oval carabiners...$2.50 each. * All gear has been used lightly! Rick Sammamish 425-836-0119
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