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Everything posted by TrailRunFreak

  1. My boyfriend and I are planning to climb it May 2011. We are still looking for a few more people to come.
  2. I can see where you are coming from and why you might think that. Accidents happen all the time. I have had my fare share on the mtns and running. I was hit by a car crossing the street 3 years ago that took me out for over a year. No climbing and no running. I'm now alot more carefull about everything. But I run to stay on shape for climbing.
  3. you're right....cuz I can
  4. The bikini started years ago....it goes everwhere I go. Almost all of my summit pictures I'm in my bikini.
  5. Everyone askes me why I run. (I run marathons) and I still dont have an answer. Why must we have an answer for all that we do and enjoy? Why do I climb? Cuz I want to and I can. Why do I run? Cuz I want to and I can.
  6. Its all about being quick. Very quick.
  7. Kilimanjaro.....Leaving the end of Feb.
  8. Alot of us climbers love to look back at what we have done and where we have been.....You can make a book on SHUTTERFLY.COM. Its easy to do and they don't cost alot. You just upload the pictures you want to use, click and drag them into the book pages and edit as needed. It's super easy. I make them for my parents every year of all my adventures. The books dont come out looking like a first grader project, so don't worry. Check the site out.
  9. Yes that is me in the pictures. I am working on a book with the pink bikini. It goes everywhere with me. I'm not after this guy in the way you all think. Just as a friend......But have not found him and I have given up.
  10. Thanks. Pink bikini is packed for Bozeman.....pictures to come
  11. Troll.....don't they live under a bridge? Not climbing ice?
  12. If you were to see a woman in a pink bikini, ice climbing, would you talk shit?
  13. You all are not helping
  14. I met you at Sausage Fest. We talked alot. I asked you twice for your name and still, I have forgotten it. I suck....What can I say, I'm blonde. I didn't get your number but would like to....
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