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Everything posted by stevetimetravlr

  1. I agree with you about it being mostly phychological pro in that section. The flakes to the left had some nice placements but the booming sounds when you slap the flakes is a little unnerving so.... The choss is quickly forgotten however when you reach the crack and start jamming, sweet sweet jams. I tried not to pull down or out on any of the flakes, but as my partner said that he was sure there were heavier guys then me that had been thru there, so should be good to go. and i was.
  2. Hi Joseph Did Young Warriors today and found this blog so thought I would comment. On the second pitch when you get to the face above the 3rd bolt with the chossy flakes on either side, there is a slot right in the face in front of you about 8 feet below the b-hole that takes a horizontal purple cam nicely. I normally don't place them like that, but it fit and locked well. Then like you said,you can get a good cam in once you reach the finger crack above. Cams in the flakes on either side look like if you fell you might bring that whole pile of flakes down, and i think that is where most people place them? Man what a great climb.
  3. Hey mon, I would be up for Beacon next week midweek, SE face or any of the other routes. Can lead, have gear, will travel. This week I am out of town but normally available if you need a partner.
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