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Gumby (1/14)



  1. wayne....where is the big one?? i have next week off and am interested....
  2. flying into portland for a saturday wedding and would really like to head to rainier for a sunday/monday climb...i know the days are tough to match up though. hopefully, someone from portland or seattle can coordinate these dates. please call if it works out...thanks...rich...608-884-8725...i am home in the mornings or leave a message.
  3. hi chris...i am headed out to portland on saturday, but cannot start climbing until sunday..it would be sunday to camp muir and monday summit. if that works, call me at 608-884-8725....thanks...rich
  4. i am heading to rainier on juy2 -7th... my group from wisconsin just bailed because we could not coordinate dates..i have soloed mt hood and summitted adams. i am hoping to find a few partners to head up on july 3,4 and 5th...it would be great to find a group...thanks alot....rich..call if you can help...608-884-8725.
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