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Everything posted by Calder

  1. I found a cam at the second belay on Midway last Friday. Describe it ot me and it's yours. Call John at 316 644 4078 or PM me.
  2. Yeah thanks for putting the photo up. I went back and edited it. First time screw ups you know how it is.
  3. Trip: Dragontail/ Colchuck Glacier - Tripple Couloirs recon Date: 4/31/2009 Trip Report: Thurs evening I skinned and booted up to Colchuck Lake. The road is almost open all the way to the trailhead, you can get to within a couple of hundered yards or so. The lake is still frozen solid and there was a fair amount of new snow. The wind was nuking pretty good in places but it was sunny and beautifull at the col. A bunch of split boarders and skiers showed up. They all asked if I was the crazy bastard who booted it up. It was a pretty busy day up there, but the powder was pretty nice. alt='Dragontail_044.JPG'> One of these pics is a close up of the runnels. No ice! Gear Notes: Pepper Jack and Gallo Italian dry salame Approach Notes: The trail has a lot of bare spots. The guys who came up that morning said they wore tennies all the way to Colchuck Lake. The snow was still pretty firm on the way down in the afternoon.
  4. Dane, Thanks for the beta. If I get in there I'll let you know what I find.
  5. I'm looking for somone who wants to meet up in Leavenworth and skin into the enchantments this Thurs evening or Fri morning. I'd like to have a go at Triple Couloirs on Dragontail, and then maybe hit little annapurna or something, but Im open to suggestions. Weather might be a bit iffy, but isn't that why they make tech clothing? I live in Spokane and I'm competent. 316-644-4078 John calderjp@gmail.com Thanks!
  6. No one huh? Well I'm headed up there today and up into Canadia. I'll post up a report when I get back monday or tues.
  7. I'm thinking about heading up there this weekend and was wondering if anyone had recent info on the conditions. I've looked at the Gravsports page, and tried to ask there but my account has not been confirmed. Thanks,
  8. Anyone been up to Cooper Falls this season? It's supposed to be belowfreezing near there all week, but some beta would be nice if anyone has it. Cheers.
  9. I tried to shoot off the deathcicle above the punchbowl once. It didn't work, untill that afternoon when it fell while I was climbing it. I was young and stupid and didn't know any better, but those things are not that easy to shoot off. I was in Banks and the 25th and there was a bunch of ice that was in. Peewee's playhouse had a bunch of climbable stuff. I'll try to post pics later.
  10. Liz, I Live in Spokane and would be willing to go explore for Ice this weekend, as I don't have a partner. Bozeman's always good but a bit of drive. Let me know if your interested. 316 644 4078
  11. I was in Banks on Sunday and there were more Deathcicles above the punchbowl than in the photo above. They streched all the way across the route and two of em came down while we were there. It was cold as shit too. If you climbunder those things you are a crazyperson.
  12. Nice sticker on the lid
  13. I'll be visiting my in laws during this time but am interested in climbing. I may or may not have wheels but I'm dying to get on some ice. Don't get much in Spokompton, WA. If anyone is interested please contact me and we can work out the details. Thanks!
  14. Thats a good question. I know permits are required and I was wondering wich would be the best area to get a permit for, Snow Lakes or The Enchantments. Anyone know? Thanks for the info on the snow sol.
  15. Does anyone know if boots and an axeare needed to get back into Prusik right now? I somehow doubt it but would like to make to sure, as I'll have some newbies with me. Also where is the best place to camp to do routes on this thing? Thanks,
  16. This is he who boulders with protection. I got out yesterday and intend to do some climbing this weekend. Give a shout if anyone is interested
  17. Where is Strobach, whats the approach like?
  18. I agree with Jason. I've been every year but the second and I've always been able to get on the rock. I try to show up a week early, that way I'm not too worried about trying to hit my tick list during the days of the fest. Plus I'm usually way too hungover to be sending anyways.
  19. Does anyone know if Gibraltar falls is in? I can't find anything on it anywhere online.
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