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Everything posted by derekpearson

  1. I was there Friday the slab was dry and LTW. Aficionado is dry that is a 13 bolt sport route on the black wall 10c take one small cam for the top, steep climb with big holds. Don't mind the fixed ropes I set them to work on a variation to aficionado on Sunday. If you climb it rap on my ropes since they are in the way of using your own.
  2. Lookout Direct , be aware that we are cleaning on this route during the weekends and will be posting a sign after crossing the bridge when we are working. P1,P2,P4 have some cleaning still but will be in good shape for the next climbing season. LD will have two var for the fourth pitch one being 5.8 and the other in the 5.11 range.House of the Seventh Bobcat is the yellow line in the attached photo and is very clean but the fisrt pitch needs a little more work. Eventually I will have some topos for these routes with gear and rap beta. Solitude awaits the fourth ascent and is still pretty clean, but I will be giving it a look before spring to make sure it is in good shape.
  3. Yes Index is always worth it.
  4. There is two crux sections on P3 the first is the 3rd pic and the second crux is the 2nd picture. The fourth pic is P2.
  5. Thanks, I added some close up pictures of some of the crux sections. It's a fun climb, P5 especialy. I'm currently working on two more five picth climbs in the same area but I don't get to go out as much as I would like so progress is slow. Some work I do is at night with short days now.
  6. http://www.rcnw.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=761 some pictures of the route and a link to a TR Jon did on RCNW
  7. topo for solitude
  8. Trip: Index - Solitude Date: 7/24/2011 Trip Report: After cleaning cracks in 2009 I returned this year and did some more work and decided it was time to climb it Gear Notes: gear to 4" (4" on P1 and near the end of P5) I used camalots single 2,3,4 double from 00 to 1 double set of nuts were usful 1/8 to 3/4 the doubles are mainly for P5 its about 130' P2 and P3 take single rack to #3 with nuts being useful rappel the route with two ropes chain belays at the top look for chain around tree, chain belay at the lip of the wall is troublesome to lower from. Approach Notes: The approach is the same for private idaho take a left where the trail forks for private idaho and follow the creek bed and take the next right where the trail has washed out soon you will see a big roof above scramble up and right and you will see P1 obvious crack with chain belay.
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