Moved to Bellingham from Boulder, Colorado in March. I've been out pounding trails, but really looking for regular mountaineering partners. I'm up for rock (trad mostly, but sport okay), ice, or peaks. I spent a couple of active years in the Colorado Mountain Club (leading trips/climbs and teaching mountaineering) but got tired of that scene, so I've avoided the local Mountaineers club... I really just want to find people who are up for getting out on some peaks or walls on a regular basis. I used to do a lot of stuff in Colorado just solo (even though I had a great set of partners), because I could -- out here, though, the mountains have glaciers, and smart bears don't venture out there alone (mostly).
About me:
I haven't led rock for a couple of years, but was pretty consistent at long trad multipitch routes in the 5.7 range (leading) to 5.9 (following). Yeah, kinda lame, I know, but I'm pretty conservative that way because (1) I only got out on rock once a month, if that, (2) my past partners haven't led, and (3) because I've volunteered on mountain rescue teams (seeing what happens to people who take a lot of risks puts a damper on my crazy factor). Yeah, I know, excuses, excuses. I'm up for getting back into it and pushing my limits, though. If we're going to climb rock, let's do it a lot, though. I've long since realized that frequency is the key.
I've mostly spent the last couple of years on ice and peaks. Last route I did on Rainier was the Kautz (had to bail after the ice pitches due to sick teammate), but summitted via the Emmons/Winthrop a couple of years before. I'd love to go back to her. I've also summitted some peaks in the Andes recently (Ischina, Urus Este, Cayambe, Cotopaxi) and plan to get back down there soon, perhaps to Bolivia or Argentina (the Polish Glacier route on Aconcagua is calling my name!). Also want to get up Mt. Baker, obviously, although that one is firmly in the category of "totally solo-able" in my mind. I used to ski a LOT -- 15 years ago. This year, I'm getting back into it. I also think that snow caves and igloos are the finest accomodations, bar none. If there's a storm on, I don't want that goddamn nylon tent wall flapping at me!
As you can tell, I'm not a rank amateur, but I'm also not a hotshot. "Intermediate mountaineer," you might say.
I'm a pretty easy-going 42 year old white dude, single, work-from-home job (read: can sneak off during the week for a climb). I like to climb with interesting people, because when we're tent-bound in a storm for three days, we're going to have to have a conversation. So: I'm an overeducated techie, but I really dig art and literature. If you've ever been to Boulder, I'd be one of the guys hanging out at the Southern Sun after a day in Eldo. No rabid prejudices that I'm aware of, with the exception of not liking religious/social-conservative views very much. Yeah, I'm gonna vote for Obama.
On my to-do list:
Ptarmigan Traverse
Mt. Baker (yup)
Mt. Rainier via Kautz (gotta go back)
Mt. Rainier via Liberty Ridge
Wonderland Trail (hey, backpacking is fun, too)
JMT (ditto)
PCT (ditto)
Glacier Peak
Mt. Shuksan (to the summit, standard route)
A week in Leavenworth to see what all the hoopla is about
A few days in Ouray, Colorado, again, for some ice fun in Jan/Feb
Figure out what is going on up there in the Whistler area
About you:
This isn't a real personals ad, so I don't care how old you are or if you're male or female. Just that you want to climb, and our styles seem to mesh. You can be a crazy hard-ass climber who needs a belayer and won't mind me screaming "TAKE!!" on the insane crux that you led effortlessly that I'm flailing on, or you could be a newbie who boggles at the idea of a 6000m peak--the only thing that matters is that you want to get out regularly. (Although, ideally, we'd be at pretty much the same level in at least one area, eh?)
Okay, maybe I lied: please be 30+ years old. Maybe Jung was right: for whatever reason, I don't seem to click with the under-30 crowd too much anymore. This is not to say under-30's suck, because they don't, just that the whole point is to have a good time in the hills together, right? (Although, that being said, there are some pretty awesome and mature people in that group: one of my fave partners from CO is a 24-year-old girl with permanent summit fever. If you think you're like that, then contact me, anyway.)
If any of this sounds even *vaguely* interesting, email me at:
garnett AT acm DOT org
At the very least we can have a beer at Boundary Bay and talk climbing! In the meantime, I'll be off filing my crampon points.