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Hugh Conway

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Posts posted by Hugh Conway

  1. Would you feel better if establishing politically favored cartels to allocate resources was the nation's official policy?


    It is the nations official policy as the appointment of Immelt shows


    Jeffrey Immelt. G.E. is usually thought of as an industrial corporation, but it is also a big bank in disguise. In recent years, its G.E. Finance arm has provided more than half of its revenues. In November, 2008, at the height of the financial crisis, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation agreed to guarantee bonds issued by G.E. Capital, and in the following seven months the firm issued almost $90 billion worth of debt that was backed by U.S. taxpayers. Without this taxpayer guarantee, which wasn’t highly publicized at the time, G.E. would have struggled to roll over its debts and could even have gone under.


    Read more http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/johncassidy/2011/01/volcker-immelt.html#ixzz1BimJLNsF




    The nice thing about Official national champions is the quid pro quo would obligate them to keep technology and jobs within the nation; GE is fucking their future shipping tech to China.

  2. and the religious mumbo jumbo :)


    common misconception. Despite the Catholic church, TTK shouting "I want 8 year old cock" every minute of every day is not religious

  3. Right now the studios seem to be of a mixed miind on how to deal with progress. Sony clearly want to screw the consumer over at every opportunity.


    Your problem is they want to make money with the property they own.


    Sounding very leftist PP.

  4. You have the reading comprehension of a dyslexic 3rd grader Hugh.


    This was inspired by the recent news that the Cinavia DRM protection on PS3 had been circumvented. (http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/DVDFab-Provides-the-World-prnews-4199346147.html?x=0) I like to have movies stored on a central server be available throughout the house. (Music too) Nothing to do with piracy and illegal distribution. I think that there is nothing wrong with buying a dvd and storing it on my server for my own use. Clearly Sony feels otherwise.


    feel free to continue to make shit up bill.... it's like the stupid shit Peter Puget posts from jerk off academics.

  5. IMO probing in a real life situation would take most people a lot more practice to be proficient at then using a modern transceiver.


    Are you kidding? Probing, avy debris or not, is pretty simple. If you've decent fine search skills with your "modern" beacon it shouldn't take you more than a couple probes; the probe is then your reference for digging <- this as iain said above.


    Who'd you take your class with that told you not to probe?

  6. A day of companion rescue practice will help illuminate these things. Most people don't practice often enough. Go to a Beacon Basin/Park for transceiver practice and then bury some beacons in backpacks and practice with the probe.


    Don't many "beacon basins" require a probe of the target to stop the timer? Spring of a heavy snow year is good probe practice at the Campbell Basin (Crystal) beacon basin. Easily 1-2m deep burial.

  7. I see a film in my future....


    We're all hoping that it's not another one where you stick your tongue up a cats ass...


    Oh, that's what he means by pussy. Maybe thistime he'll stick his tongue up Fairweather's ass

  8. actually, public schools do NOT require it. You jsut ahve to sign a waiver saying you disagree with vaccinations for moral or religious reasons. At least in WA state, no kid will be kept out of public school for not being vaccinated, as long as you sign one of these.




    You will note a general difference between the West (home to batshit fucking 'tards like boner) and the east, where, yes many states do require it. Amazingly people can opt out of requirements sometimes.

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