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Everything posted by lazer

  1. if you want to sell it i'm still willing to pay 100. i can pick it up this weekend.
  2. give ya $100 for exposure. ill even pick it up
  3. i'd like them, however, being a college student, i need to do some fund gathering. i guess i'll let you know when that time comes (waiting on tax returns!) and hopefully you will still have them.
  4. how old are they?
  5. leashes? how about 250, i live in bellingham ill pick them up?
  6. where do you live?
  7. How about $300? I live in Bellingham, where are you?
  8. Still have the screws?
  9. I'm interested if you still got 'em. Where you located, I live in Bellingham. How old are they and how much use on them?
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