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Posts posted by Frenchy

  1. And then one dinosaur gets a restraining order slapped on him by his ex wife so he dresses up like an old woman and gets hired to clean her house so he can spend more time with his children, but gets tipped into a tizzy of comical mishaps and eventually gets caught.

  2. Then they hatch a bunch and some rich fuck keeps funding the project until they got so many they gotta keep them on a remote island and study them while people flock all around and pay admission to drive through the complex but someone turned the hot fence off and shit goes down.

  3. Bob yaks are cool. Not too much interaction with handling unless your hauling nuts and trying to take tight turns. I've never had a pannier rig so wouldn't know what to compare to.


    Unclipped helmet. Gheysha sippers. And $500 in pawnables. Bucket bike yo.

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