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Everything posted by MStyles

  1. thanks for respecting it marc. steve i haven't noticed the women, i only got one of my mind and she crushes. by the way, this was the very same project that i spoke to you about 2 years ago. its done now. restating the obvious. FA in order of involvement. Chris, Dylan, Mike. (yeah i'll keep hammering the point home).
  2. so i spoke to a few prominent route developers. Typically a pitch or a project gets 1 year to get free'd when it has red tape / indicated by a person that it is closed. Any longer than that and it gets opened up. any input to that would be welcomed. how long does a project get to stay closed (ie. when the red tape is on or a rope is on it).
  3. i'm glad you guys raised that point actually about the release of the topo etc. the blog is controlled by chris, along with the content 100%, he's posted photos of sections of the route, a photo of the wall itself, everything, during the development process, and now he's released a topo of the route itself, when i told him not to. now as a route developer do you want people to know about something that hasn't been completed. a logical person would say no.but we all know by now that chris isn't exactly the cautious type or a strategist. besides there's a static line hanging from one of them for a reason so that should be a pretty clear indication to take the A0 variation instead.
  4. locals that we know vs random guy (marc). not a tough decision.
  5. @marc. no you can't. if i wanted to free one of your routes in Hope, BC what would you do.
  6. fca: chris stolz dylan connelloy fa's: pitch 1. myles holt. pitch 2. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 3. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 4. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 5. dylan connelly, chris stolz pitch 6. dylan, chris pitch 7, dylan chris pitch 8, dylan chris pitch 9. chis, dylan pitch 10, chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 11. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 12. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 13. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 14. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 15. chris stolz, mike blicker pitch 16. fa mike blicker pitch 17. fa unknown. none of us pitch 18. fa unknown. none of us. first free ascents of individual pitches pitch 1. ian bennett pitch 2. chris, mike pitch 3. chris, mike pitch 4. mike blicker pitch 5. NO FFA. closed for FFA attempts for the moment pitch 6. chris/dylan pitch 7. NO FFA. closed for FFA attempts for the moment pitch 8. dylan/chris pitch 9. dylan /chris pitch 10. mike blicker pitch 11. all 3 of us i would assume. pitch 12. chris/ dylan pitch 13. chris/ dylan pitch 14. mike blicker pitch 15. ryan hasselly/mike blicker pitch 16. mike blicker pitch 17. dylan / chris pitch 18. dylan /chris and there you have it. no continuous free ascent yet. and its closed for a Continuous ascent for the moment except to people who have been contacted within the community (many of whom are amazing climbers and will be far better than I will ever be).
  7. nice send Jesse! Is that Shane in the bottom pic?
  8. that pic is a relic. kelly could climb that blindfolded now .
  9. caboose and clean crack are definitely not soft.
  10. triassic sands. red rocks
  11. the 13a next to the incredible journey at the foundation wall, holiday in cambodia at block at tackle?, Short people at the smoke bluffs, suicide bluffs??, valley of shadai or clint eastwood crags haha? damn. stumped on a few of those.
  12. clean crack, jacob's ladder (on zombie roof, grand daddy overhang,hypertension, elephantiasis.
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