fca: chris stolz dylan connelloy
pitch 1. myles holt.
pitch 2. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 3. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 4. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 5. dylan connelly, chris stolz
pitch 6. dylan, chris
pitch 7, dylan chris
pitch 8, dylan chris
pitch 9. chis, dylan
pitch 10, chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 11. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 12. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 13. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 14. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 15. chris stolz, mike blicker
pitch 16. fa mike blicker
pitch 17. fa unknown. none of us
pitch 18. fa unknown. none of us.
first free ascents of individual pitches
pitch 1. ian bennett
pitch 2. chris, mike
pitch 3. chris, mike
pitch 4. mike blicker
pitch 5. NO FFA. closed for FFA attempts for the moment
pitch 6. chris/dylan
pitch 7. NO FFA. closed for FFA attempts for the moment
pitch 8. dylan/chris
pitch 9. dylan /chris
pitch 10. mike blicker
pitch 11. all 3 of us i would assume.
pitch 12. chris/ dylan
pitch 13. chris/ dylan
pitch 14. mike blicker
pitch 15. ryan hasselly/mike blicker
pitch 16. mike blicker
pitch 17. dylan / chris
pitch 18. dylan /chris
and there you have it. no continuous free ascent yet. and its closed for a Continuous ascent for the moment except to people who have been contacted within the community (many of whom are amazing climbers and will be far better than I will ever be).