If you're so bummed about the scene up here, why don't you fuck the hell off? All you've done as far as I can see is come up here, talk shit about folks who don't have it coming, burn bridges with the best mountaineering group up here, spend all your time talking shit on some forum, climb a few halfway decent lines and pretend you're some sort of god for doing so, and then get indignant when folks don't want to climb with you. Trust me artard, it ain't because there's a lack of serious climbers up here, its because people hate your mother-loving guts and won't give you the time of day 'cause of all the shit you talk all the goddamn time. Maybe if you stopped talking nonstop shit, you'd find more partners and less people who'd love to beat your ass. Or maybe you could go back to the Tetons and stay the fuck out of AK. Bitch.