A few neutral thoughts from an outsider passing by. I'm an avid backcountry skier/hiker. I do commute around town on a motorcycle (65 mpg if you're keeping track), but I don't ride motocross.
Some comments:
- Motocross is a legitimate sport. You may not like it, but it is nonetheless a sport that some folks DO enjoy. Others enjoy synchronized swimming (hey, it's Olympic season! ;>). Speaking of that, I wonder how much energy is needed to maintain an olympic pool?
- As for global warming, this is an absurd argument and you should lose it. Trees are cut every day. We all live in wood houses, and I'm sure the timber lost for park construction will be sold to the highest bidder. If trees are not cut to allow park construction, then trees will simply be cut someplace else. Heck, for all we know the proposed location IS designated for tree harvest regardless of the MC park.
- I'm guessing the MC park has chosen a location that would minimize noise impact to most people, i.e., they are located far from residential areas. By choosing a location in "the middle of nowhere", they are now "impacting" folks who enjoy being "the middle of nowhere." Where should the MC park go?
As an aside, there's a MC park several miles from my house in Idaho. It was built many years ago, far from housing developments, but close enough to drive to. In the past 5 years some high-end housing projects were built within eye and ear-shot of the MC park. Guess what? The new homeowners want the park to move someplace else.
- Fuel consumption: aside from getting to the MC park, most MC bikes will burn just a few gallons of fuel during a typical day of riding. Most of my bicycle racing friends burn way more gas when they travel inter-state for their bike races. We all use fuel for a variety of reasons, and it's a bit arrogant for any of us to decide what is the most legitimate use of that fuel.